June 3rd...

Ok, just a few pics and quick notes. This is how it looks from my kitchen window. The white stuff on top of the windshield frame is filler, needed to smooth some imperfections left behind by the PO. DAMN all previous owners!!! LOL This surface needs to be smooth if I plan to avoid leaks with the canvas top.

The engine. This is from 2 days ago or so. Have ground down most of the visible welds on that nightmare of an exhaust system, and the rear engine tin is about done here. Has a rubber seal on it that didn't want to stay on, so I'm trying to come up with a better solution. The stupid rubber just slips off and lets hot air enter the engine compartment. Top view of same

Here's the dash I made. You can barely see the gauges behind the dark plexiglass. I will have a row of bright green leds lighting up the area between the glass and the gauge faces, so it should show quite well in the daytime. Can't wait to see it at night.. hope it'll look like I wanted it to. The leds would be turned off at night of course.

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